
Solving all measuring, control and regulation tasks related to power transformers, Petersen coil operation and LV Systems


A. Eberle company’s experience over the last 20 years has shown that customers often need solutions that fit their specific needs.

This is because each grid operator has different requirements and therefore different standards. In terms of energy supply, existing plants have to be modernized and new plants have to be designed to meet future requirements. This calls for flexible solutions, that are not only reliable but also simple in their design and use.

A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1980. Back then, the company’s objective was to provide development and manufacturing services for electronics companies. In 1995, the development of our own product line took us in a new direction.

Since then, A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG has built its own sales organization with an international focus and has started to serve other markets. One of Their defining traits is our eagerness to develop innovative solutions for challenging sustained projects with Their partners and for our customers.


  • REGSys™ Voltage regulation for transformers with tap-changer and smart add-ons
  • TraCoMo™ Transformer monitoring system with online oil analysis, oil temperature and humidity measurement, tap-changer monitoring and additional functions
  • LVRSys™ Low voltage regulator for the grid (cable controller) and regulator for local grid transformers
  • PQSys Fully automated power quality monitoring and fault logging
  • GDASys™ Guaranteed grid stability by monitoring the grid dynamics
  • EORSys Short circuit and earth are easy to locate Easy-to-regulate Petersen coil.
  • SCADA Simple control system to connect all applications in the product line to one piece of hardware and especially a single parameter tool for all control system protocols including IEC 61850.
A-Eberle product


Solving all measuring, control and regulation tasks related to power transformers, Petersen coil operation and LV Systems


A. Eberle company’s experience over the last 20 years has shown that customers often need solutions that fit their specific needs.

This is because each grid operator has different requirements and therefore different standards. In terms of energy supply, existing plants have to be modernized and new plants have to be designed to meet future requirements. This calls for flexible solutions, that are not only reliable but also simple in their design and use.

A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1980. Back then, the company’s objective was to provide development and manufacturing services for electronics companies. In 1995, the development of our own product line took us in a new direction.

Since then, A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG has built its own sales organization with an international focus and has started to serve other markets. One of Their defining traits is our eagerness to develop innovative solutions for challenging sustained projects with Their partners and for our customers.


  • REGSys™ Voltage regulation for transformers with tap-changer and smart add-ons
  • TraCoMo™ Transformer monitoring system with online oil analysis, oil temperature and humidity measurement, tap-changer monitoring and additional functions
  • LVRSys™ Low voltage regulator for the grid (cable controller) and regulator for local grid transformers
  • PQSys Fully automated power quality monitoring and fault logging
  • GDASys™ Guaranteed grid stability by monitoring the grid dynamics
  • EORSys Short circuit and earth are easy to locate Easy-to-regulate Petersen coil.
  • SCADA Simple control system to connect all applications in the product line to one piece of hardware and especially a single parameter tool for all control system protocols including IEC 61850.
A-Eberle product