SGB Power
Power System Partners Together with SGB combine Global Reach, with Local Expertise
SGB Power
SGB first produced Power Transformers in 1947, since when their expertise has continuously grown making them one of the foremost Power Transformer producers in the world.
SGB manufacture transformers for grid and primary size applications.
SGB combine high quality manufacturing with innovative design, their expertise makes them a perfect fit for Power System Partners.
Power System Partners together with SGB combine global reach, with local expertise. SGB Power Transformers are based in Regensburg in the south of Germany and represent the quintessential German approach to quality and efficiency. We combine their high standards with our expert knowledge of the UK and Irish markets.

Through Power System Partners, SGB Transformers has gained extensive experience in the UK with Utilities, major contractors, wind farm developers and private network operators. This experience combined with our strong reputation has led to strong market presence.
SGB Power
Power System Partners Together with SGB combine Global Reach, with Local Expertise
SGB Power
SGB first produced Power Transformers in 1947, since when their expertise has continuously grown making them one of the foremost Power Transformer producers in the world.
SGB manufacture transformers for grid and primary size applications.
SGB combine high quality manufacturing with innovative design, their expertise makes them a perfect fit for Power System Partners.
Power System Partners together with SGB combine global reach, with local expertise. SGB Power Transformers are based in Regensburg in the south of Germany and represent the quintessential German approach to quality and efficiency. We combine their high standards with our expert knowledge of the UK and Irish markets.

Through Power System Partners, SGB Transformers has gained extensive experience in the UK with Utilities, major contractors, wind farm developers and private network operators. This experience combined with our strong reputation has led to strong market presence.